Welcome to the future - the year 2009!

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darkMyke's avatar
...flying cars, houses in the sky, robots who pass the Turing Test, medical revolutions, no more pollution and clean energy sources...

...wait, it's already 2009 and nothing changed? Bah...what's all the fuzz about, then?

New Year's Eve is certainly not among my favorite celebrations but hey, I hope you had a nice one! Much more important is that you have a good year 2009!
It's always good to have a time of the year when you do a little thinking, about the things which happened to you in the last few months, to consider your life and see, if you "like" what happened or if you think you "need to change" something. Or at least try it.

So, what do I think? Hmmm...aaah, whatever, almost everything is great, going fine, only some minor turbulences ahead but they are what I call "life". I need to get around them, I guess.

I do have some plans though, artwise. I seriously want to refine my skills in 3D and this will be a huge project. I'm going to do more "Studies" from now on, Training pieces, and I well need your feedback to get better and learn new things.
Without your support, I wouldn't be here but without your support, I will also stay where I am. Thank you for everything but please keep it up ;)

Well, it's still wonderful to reconsider the times here at dA, though, the site might have some serious problems but on the other hand, it's a magnificent place with great people around, so I'm looking forward to a good year and (despite all of the worldwide crises - optimism is what we need, at least a bit!)...
Wish you all the best for 2009!

The Future is now! :D
(And what about you? Great plans for the new year? Mind to share?)
© 2009 - 2024 darkMyke
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MiouQueuing's avatar
Ciao Michael,

Wow, alle Kommentare auf Deutsch - da schließe ich mich gleich mal an! ;-)

Hm, Pläne für das neue Jahr?

Da ist diese Sache mit der Geschichte für ~Freeport, die ich immer noch schreiben will, wenn ich mal die Zeit dafür erübrigen kann. Dieses "Privatprojekt" kollidiert natürlich total mit meiner Promotion, aber durch den Literaturwettbewerb, den ich gerade gewonnen habe, hat das private Schreiben plötzlich einen ganz anderen Anreiz bekommen! Ich habe irgendwie nicht mehr das Gefühl, da etwas völlig falsch zu machen, sondern tatsächlich was zu produzieren, das andere tatsächlich lesen wollen bzw. das sie interessiert. :-)

Auf jeden Fall will ich versuchen, den Leuten auf dA etwas zurück zu geben! Daher: Ich kann Dir vielleicht nicht unbedingt professionelle Tips bzw. Feedback geben, aber emotionale Unterstützung ist immer drin! :glomp:

Ciao & Grüße nach Wien,

Miou B-)